Max catches up with Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz.

Ted Cruz Gains Momentum

Maxwell Surprenant

February 3rd, 2016

After his victory in Iowa, the Republican candidate hits the campaign trail in New Hampshire.

Lilian watches votes being counted at a Republican caucus at Urbandale High School in Iowa.

A Kid at a Caucus

Lilian Jochmann

February 2nd, 2016

What exactly is a caucus? Our Kid Reporter found out.

Florida Senator Marco Rubio, a top Republican candidate for president, addresses voters at the “First-in-the-Nation Presidential Town Hall” on January 23 in Nashua, New Hampshire.

Talking Politics in New Hampshire

Kaitlin Clark

January 29th, 2016

Republican candidates answer voters’ questions at a town hall.

Ohio Governor John Kasich with Maxwell Surprenant at a “town hall” event in Goffstown, New Hampshire.

Kasich Meets New Hampshire Voters

Maxwell Surprenant

January 25th, 2016

The Republican candidate answers questions at a town hall meeting.

An Interview With NBC's Chuck Todd— Video

Gracie Wood

January 22nd, 2016

Chuck Todd, moderator of NBC’s Meet the Press, talks about covering political campaigns.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton talks to an enthusiastic crowd at a December campaign event in Orlando, Florida.

Fired Up in Florida

Bobby Sena

January 19th, 2016

A young reporter covers the presidential campaign in a key state.

Fadden’s General Store has been continuously operated by the Fadden Family, in Woodstock, NH, since 1896.

New Hampshire Prepares for the Primaries

Kaitlin Clark

January 15th, 2016

For presidential candidates, the road to the White House begins in New Hampshire.

Republicans Meet in Florida

Bobby Sena

November 16th, 2015

A report from the Republican Party Sunshine Summit in Orlando

Donald Trump was among the presidential candidates at an event bringing Republican and Democratic leaders together.

Democratic and Republican Candidates Come Together

Juliana Yu

October 12th, 2015

A “No Labels” event in New Hampshire brings both parties together to address big issues.

Chris Christie Announces His Presidential Run

Alexis Williams

July 6th, 2015

New Jersey’s Republican Governor promises to “restore the American dream.”

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush waves to a crowd on June 15 at Miami Dade College, where he announced his bid for the Republican presidential nomination.

Bush Announces a Presidential Run

Bobby Sena

June 19th, 2015

“We will take command of our future,” Jeb Bush tells a Miami crowd.
