Ted Cruz Gains Momentum

Max catches up with Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz.
Max at the Cruz rally in Nashua, New Hampshire

Max at the Cruz rally in Nashua, New Hampshire

On, February 3, Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz appeared at a campaign rally at a middle school in Nashua, New Hampshire. The event attracted hundreds of Cruz supporters who were fired up after his recent victory in the Iowa Caucus.

Before the doors opened, I asked people why they supported Cruz and what more they want to learn about him. “We need a real president,” said Audrey McMahon, 9, of Massachusetts. “I want to know what he would do on the first day of office.”

Cruz, who is a United States Senator from Texas, said that his first priority as president would be economic growth. He would grow the economy, he said, by reforming the tax system and cutting government spending. When asked about making college more affordable, Cruz said that rather than give away “free stuff,” he would improve job opportunities for young people. “There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch,” he added.



Cruz has been compared to former Republican President Ronald Reagan because of his conservative values. Cruz says that such values set him apart from the other candidates. When 15-year-old Alexis asked if students should recite the Pledge of Allegiance in school, Cruz said, “Absolutely.”

Cruz told the audience to look carefully at all of the candidates, including himself. “Be skeptical,” he said. “Hold us accountable.” Cruz’s campaign motto is “Trust Ted”, and signs in the auditorium displayed the word TRUSTED in capital letters, blue TRUS and red TED.

Cruz also talked about his victory in Iowa, which surprised many people because businessman Donald Trump had been ahead in many polls there. Cruz dismissed Trump’s attacks against the new frontrunner as a “Trumper-tantrum.” 


Max catches up with Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz.

Max catches up with Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz.


After Cruz answered a question about climate change, which he said was based on “pseudo science,” about a dozen people stood up and chanted, “Climate deniers have got to go!” Cruz brushed them off.

“Apparently, someone invited the children to the event,” he said, smiling. “And it does seem that these particular children attended the Donald Trump school of debate.”

After the event, I asked Cruz what message he had for young people. “The future can be better,” he said.

Olivia Pope, 7, of Nashua, New Hampshire, is listening. “I believe in him,” she said of Cruz. Will he win in New Hampshire, too? Many voters here, who go to the polls on February 9, remain undecided. They are still listening, still asking questions, and still observing how the candidates conduct themselves and interact with each other.


Photos courtesy of the author