Tony J. Smith II

Tony J. Smith II's picture

Tony J. Smith II lives in North Carolina and was born in 2007.

  • Tony is a member of his school band and plays piano.
  • In his spare time, he like to play the saxophone and video games, and read books.
  • He’s interested in becoming a crime scene investigator because he loves forensic science and a good mystery.

“I like to ask questions and interview, and I am always ready to go after the truth.”

Tony J. Smith II

Tony J. Smith II's picture
First name: 

“My Father Is a Firefighter”

Tony J. Smith II

May 18th, 2020

Our Kid Reporter in North Carolina talks with his dad, who was in quarantine due to exposure to COVID-19. 

Voters in North Carolina Cast Ballots

Tony J. Smith II

March 9th, 2020

Our Kid Reporter covers “Super Tuesday” at a polling place in Durham. 

Chapel Hill Hosts a Fall Festival

Tony J. Smith II

October 28th, 2019

In Chapel Hill, North Carolina, an annual “Festifall” celebrates painting, dancing, music, and other arts..