Clara Lopes Salim

Clara Lopes Salim's picture

Clara Lopes Salim lives in Brazil and was born in 2009.

  • Clara likes to read, draw, and watch movies with her family in her spare time.
  • She is on the volleyball team and plays piano.
  • Clara’s favorite books are Number the Stars by Lois Lowry and Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech.

“I love researching, interviewing, writing, and encouraging others to make a change.”

Clara Lopes Salim

Clara Lopes Salim's picture
First name: 
Clara Lopes Salim

The Year Earth Changed

Clara Lopes Salim

November 30th, 2021

A new documentary explores the ways that lockdowns during the pandemic affected nature. 

The Power of Physical Activity

Clara Lopes Salim

February 16th, 2021

During the pandemic, many people are realizing the importance of staying fit to prevent and cure diseases and improve our well-being.

Baby Turtles Struggle Towards the Sea

Clara Lopes Salim

November 30th, 2020

When an oil spill in Brazil stopped baby sea turtles from getting to the ocean, a local conservation group worked to save them.