A Visit to the “Today” Show

Xander gets a behind-the-scenes tour of Today in New York City. 

NBC’s Today is the fifth-longest running TV program in the United States. In early July, I visited the morning show’s studios at Rockefeller Center in New York City. I got a behind-the-scenes tour of the popular program, which debuted in 1952.

Bailey Coronis, executive assistant to Today co-host Craig Melvin, led my tour. After going through a security screening, we stepped onto the bustling plaza outside the NBC studios. As the show aired, hundreds of Today fans held up signs celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, and other family milestones.

During my visit, characters dressed as Minions promoted Despicable Me 4, the latest animated film in the franchise. Another segment included Ally Love, a popular fitness instructor and arena host for the New York Nets basketball team. She offered tips on selecting footwear. 


Xander with fitness expert Ally Love


Inside, preparations were underway for a cooking segment. With chefs routinely demonstrating how to make dishes, a lot of space is needed. The Today Show has three kitchens. Two can be seen by viewers, and a third is behind the scenes. It’s used for food prep and storage. During commercial breaks, members of the production crew were able to sample some of the featured dishes.

Coronis also introduced me to a sophisticated weather screen. Computer graphics with the latest weather trends were projected onto the screen by producers in the control room. They choregraph the show’s many segments over the course of four hours. 


As part of a Today tradition, guests sign a huge board.


As my tour concluded, I encountered a whimsical poster. It displayed the signatures of past Today guests, including celebrities and authors I recognized from stories I’ve filed as a Kid Reporter.

Today anchors will soon head to Paris, France, to cover the 2024 Summer Olympic Games. The multi-sport event is slated to begin on July 26 and conclude on August 11. 


Xander in Rockefeller Center with Today co-host Craig Melvin



Photos courtesy of the author