The Honor of a Lifetime

Natalie sits in a Black Hawk helicopter.
The whir of a descending helicopter fills the air. The rotor blades whip, blowing dirt, leaves, and grass onto the crowd. Finally, the helicopter lands. It’s not just any helicopter. It’s a Black Hawk.
The dramatic arrival took place on May 10 at a track meet hosted by Winnebago Lutheran Academy* in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. It was arranged by Sergeant First Class Jason Foster, a member of the Wisconsin Army National Guard (WIARNG).
Black Hawks serve several functions in the WIARNG, Sergeant Foster explained. They’re used to transport troops and supplies, and pick up wounded soldiers during armed conflicts. WIARNG’s Aviation Units also use Black Hawks to assist other states with search and rescue missions and to provide support in the wake of natural disasters, such as hurricanes and forest fires.

“Not only do we help those in our communities, our state, and our country, we also serve during times of conflict overseas,” Sergeant First Class Jason Foster tells Natalie about the WIARNG.
As a WIARNG recruiter and career counselor, Sergeant Foster is responsible for helping young people understand the risks and benefits of serving in the military. He relishes the opportunity to serve while learning a range of skills.
“The WIARNG changed my life, and the continued opportunities I receive are incredible,” he said. “[I love] being a mentor and helping to lead the next greatest generation.”
Foster hopes that others will be inspired to follow in his footsteps. “It excites me when young individuals want to learn more about what we do,” he said, “and are interested in joining our family.”
When asked why he was drawn to the National Guard, Sergeant Foster said: “We’re the oldest branch in the United States Military. Not only do we help those in our communities, our state, and our country, we also serve during times of conflict overseas.”

A Black Hawk helicopter after landing at Winnebago Lutheran Academy in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
* The author’s father teaches at Winnebago Lutheran Academy.