A Family Tours the World

Benedek with Lucy and Alisha
Benedek with Lucy and Alisha

Benedek with world travelers Lucy and Alisha Snaith of the United Kingdom

Gilly and Steve Snaith of the United Kingdom spent 15 years planning a trip around the world. Finally, in 2013, the couple set out with their two daughters, Alisha, now 12, and Lucy, 9. They embarked on a four-year journey in their truck, which they call “Trucky.”

Trucky was custom-made for the family. It has four beds, a small kitchen, and a shower cabin. During long drives, all four family members sat in the cab of the truck. When crossing continents, Trucky made the journey by ferry.

In the course of four years, the family visited 58 countries and drove 100,000 miles across all seven continents. Driving along Copacabana Beach in Brazil and visiting ancient cave cities in Turkey were just a few of the highlights of the journey. The most memorable experiences came in Antarctica.

“If you think about it, well, it’s Antarctica, said Alisha. “Lots of snow, lots of penguins, and it’s a once-in-a-lifetime thing.

The family slept on the ice in sleeping bags. Afterwards, they had to ensure that nothing was left behind. “[The continent] has got to be kept very well-preserved,” Alisha explained.



The girls were homeschooled along the way. The effort was a challenge, but interesting facts about the surrounding cultures were woven into the girls’ education.

Alisha remembers learning about the Maya civilization while Trucky sat at the base of an ancient pyramid in Uxmal, Mexico. She also recalls learning about evaporation and how clean water can be collected using just a pot and a plastic bag. When the family visited the scorching Namib desert in the African country of Namibia, they collected enough water to drink using their experiment.


Trucky at the Brazilian coast south of San Paulo

Trucky is shown on the coast of Brazil, south of São Paulo.

While driving through the Rocky Mountains in the United States, the family saw a big black animal dart out from the trees. They discussed whether it was a wolf or a dog. The parents were adamant that wolves are only gray or brown. Alisha insisted that it was a wolf. She showed her photo to a park ranger, and it turned out that she was right. She has not let her family forget it!

The girls loved the Junior Rangers Program run by the National Park Service. They got to present their work to the rangers before swearing to protect the environment.


Penguin caption tk

A seal in Antarctica

The Snaiths are not planning another long journey anytime soon. Although the parents would love to continue traveling, Alisha wants to attend boarding school. The Snaiths are planning some shorter trips with Trucky, however, perhaps to Iceland to explore its volcanoes, hot springs, and geysers. For now, they are content to stay put in England.


Photos courtesy of the author