Two Democratic Candidates Unite

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Kaitlin on the press riser at Portsmouth High School

On July 12, Democratic supporters, political officials, and news reporters crowded into the auditorium at Portsmouth High School in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, for an important announcement. Photographers snapped pictures, reporters tapped on their laptops, and supporters cheered loudly. At approximately 11:15 a.m., former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, emerged on the stage beside Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, her former rival for the presidency. Sanders endorsed Clinton to be the next United States President. The long-awaited move reflects Clinton’s campaign slogan: “Stronger Together.”

After Clinton became the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party in early June, many Sanders supporters expressed reluctance to vote for her in the general election in November. They were still hoping that Sanders had a chance to be nominated at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, which begins on July 25.  

Now, with the Senator’s endorsement, Clinton wants the Democratic Party to come together and help her become the next president. In the words of New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan, “Our party is united and strong.”



Clinton and Sanders have had differing views on several issues, including how to make college more affordable for young people. However, Clinton knows that she needs the Vermont Senator’s support if she hopes to win in the general election.

In order to reach a consensus with Sanders, whose views are generally more liberal than hers, Clinton was willing to compromise on many issues, including a national $15 minimum wage and lower state college tuitions. At the rally, Sanders said, “Together, we have started a political revolution, and that revolution continues.”   

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Secretary Clinton addresses enthusiastic supporters in Portsmouth while Senator Sanders looks on.

The event was seen as important not only to older Democrats, but also to younger ones. Many Sanders supporters are college students and young adults who are worried about paying for their education and getting good jobs after graduation. Clinton is listening to their views and hoping to win their support with her policies.

“Youth have a responsibility to be present at these kind of events,” Nicholas Dundorf of Barrington, New Hampshire, said. “We need to hold the candidates responsible and make sure that they are representing the issues that matter to us.”  

Clinton is now looking ahead to the general election. “With your help,” she told Sanders, “we’re joining forces to defeat Donald Trump, win in November, and build a future that we can all believe in.”

Photos courtesy of the author