Our Kid Reporter Serves as a Page in the Georgia State Senate

Skye in the Georgia State Capitol with State Senator Sonya Halpern 

“We want to make sure our young people are learning,” says State Senator Sonya Halpern of Georgia. “We want them to be as productive as they can and find their passions.”

Halpern represents Georgia’s 39th District, which includes parts of Atlanta, the state capital. I spoke with her earlier this year in the General Assembly. 

The Georgia General Assembly creates the state’s laws. Like the United States Congress, it is divided into two groups: the House of Representatives and the Senate.

As Halpern suggested, state governments are seeking ways to encourage young people to explore their interests, particularly in public service. The Senate Page Program in Georgia gives students between the ages of 12 and 18 a chance to serve for a day during the General Assembly’s legislative term. 

Students who apply for the program get a chance to “learn more about the legislative process, see floor votes, and assist legislators,” Lieutenant Governor Burt Jones explains in the Welcome Packet. Pages get to see how legislators are addressing issues that affect their own communities.

During the legislative session in January, I served as a Senate Page. The goal of the program, said State Senator John F. Kennedy, is to help young people “understand the role of public service.” Kennedy represents the 19th District, which includes Crawford, Monroe, Peach, and Upson counties. 

Pages deliver messages from policy advocates and constituents to members of the legislative chamber. 


Skye with Robert Brown, who served in the Georgia General Assembly as Sergeant at Arms, the chief law enforcement officer


Pages gain a new perspective on the legislative process. They can witness everything from a heated debate to the passage of a bill.

Pages, in turn, help the process run smoothly. In order for the General Assembly to operate, messages between lawmakers and others must be transmitted quickly. This allows Senators and Representatives to manage their time effectively and meet with stakeholders. 

“Senate Pages play a valuable role in the day-to-day operations of the Georgia Senate,” Kennedy observed.

To become a Page in a State Senate or the U.S. Senate, eligible students can fill out an online application. Besides Georgia, states that have Page Programs include Montana, Texas, Washington State, and West Virginia.  

“This experience has inspired young men and women to pursue a future role in public service,” Kennedy said, "whether that is one day running for elected office or choosing a career that allows them to serve their state and country.” 

Photos courtesy of the author