Miss Business

At age 15, Gabrielle Jordan is a small business owner and motivational speaker. A resident of Bowie, Maryland, Gabrielle began her career at the age of nine. She started a jewelry company called Jewelz of Jordan.
What inspired Gabrielle to launch her career? “From a very early age, I’ve had a love of jewelry,” she said in a recent phone conversation. “It came naturally.”
Gabrielle began making her own jewelry when she was in elementary school. Her friends loved the jewelry so much that they started to buy it. That’s how her business was born.
In 2011, Gabrielle published The Making of an Entrepreneur: A Kid’s Guide to Developing the Mind-Set for Success. The book describes how Gabrielle and other young entrepreneurs got started in the business world and offers advice to readers who may have dreams of their own.
Published under the name Gabrielle J. Williams, the book led to appearances for the young author on several TV and radio programs. Now a seasoned professional, Gabrielle won awards and spoken at conferences around the country, including a TEDx conference in her home state of Maryland.
I asked Gabrielle what has been the highlight of her career so far. “Attending the 2015 Black Girls Rock event as one of the M.A.D. [Making a Difference] Girls,” she said. “My favorite part was being on stage with First Lady Michelle Obama. It was an experience that I’ll never forget.” Black Girls Rock is a nonprofit organization that inspires young black girls to become leaders and innovators.
Gabrielle credits others with helping her achieve so much. “My team is a big part of my success,” she said, “my family, employees, and all the support I get from people, and most important, God.” She now encourages other kids to create their own businesses through ExCEL Youth Mastermind, a mentoring program that she co-founded. She is also the Chief Creative Officer of Gibstr, an online teen content platform.
What advice does the homeschooler have for other kids? “Always have a plan,” she said, “and never dive in head first.”