Making Valentine’s Day Special

Because of the pandemic, many schools are arranging for Valentine treats to be delivered to students’ homes. 

Celebrating Valentine’s Day in elementary school classrooms is a long-standing tradition in the United States. This year, the holiday will be celebrated virtually in many areas due to the COVID-19 pandemic and remote learning. 

I asked my younger sister, Asha, who is in fourth grade, how her class plans to celebrate the holiday this year. Valentine bags for class members will be delivered to our house, she said. Our mom will sort through and sanitize them with a UV light and then distribute them to students on Valentine’s Day. When the class meets virtually, kids can use the stickers and other craft supplies inside to decorate their bags together. 

“I like celebrating Valentine’s Day because I get to give out cards and see my friends’ valentines,” Asha said. “Also, I like the candy.” 

Julie Bedell, a second-grade teacher in Seattle, Washington, has special plans for her class, too. “The students in my class have made valentines, and parents have organized and sorted them to be opened at our virtual party,” Bedell said.

When asked why kids should be able to keep up with such traditions, Bedell said: “It’s important that we do as many of the fun things we would do in person to make this year feel more normal, and that we feel connected as a class.”


Fourth-grader Asha Mirchandani shows Zoe a valentine that a friend made for her. 


Kalisa Owens, the parent of a Seattle fourth-grader, echoed Bedell’s sentiments. “I think it’s important that kids celebrate Valentine’s Day because it’s a great way to share kind words or something funny with friends,” she said.

Owens added that Valentine’s Day matters even more this year because kids are missing out on so many interactions with friends. Giving out cards with kind words offers a chance for kids to socialize.

This year may be different in many ways, but thanks to hard-working parents and teachers, the holiday will be as much fun as possible. Valentine’s Day traditions will live on.

Photos courtesy of the author