Just Breathe: Mindfulness for Kids
Sunaya with Mallika Chopra at the Rubin Museum of Art in New York City
“Meditation has been an anchor throughout my life,” says Mallika Chopra. “It helps me feel balanced, connected, and at peace.”
The daughter of world-famous author and meditation expert Deepak Chopra, Mallika is continuing her family’s legacy by spreading the word about meditation. She is the author of 100 Promises to My Baby, 100 Questions From My Child, and Living With Intent: My Somewhat Messy Journey to Purpose, Peace, and Joy. Her new book, tentatively titled Just Breathe, is due out next summer.
I recently interviewed Mallika at the Rubin Museum of Art in New York City. Here are her responses, which have been edited for brevity and clarity:
Can you tell me a little bit about your new book?
This is my first book for kids. It is about meditation and mindfulness for children who are eight to twelve years old. It is meant to teach kids how to connect with themselves, breathe deeper, be aware of their bodies and, in turn, have less stress and anxiety in their lives and feel like they have more control in what they’re doing.
The book will be illustrated and have practical exercises to help kids sleep and eat better and move more mindfully. It should be really simple. That is the main thing about meditation. There are many different ways to meditate, but a lot of them just incorporate being conscious of your breathing, slowing down, or maybe just repeating a word that can help settle your mind.
Being mindful can also include being more aware of how you eat or how you walk. We do so many things every day, and we are so distracted all the time. I want to help kids take control of their lives.
Sunaya and Mallika Chopra inside the Rubin Museum exhibition
Why do you think kids need mindfulness so much?
Kids today have a lot on their plates. They have a lot of schoolwork. Many are doing sports and extracurricular activities, and they have lots of demands. Plus, they have social media that is distracting them—lots of media and lots of messages. Kids are always running out of time, and that is happening at younger and younger ages. The goal of this book is to help kids realize that they don’t have to lead a life where they’re always rushing and stressed and anxious, and maybe not sleeping because they’re worrying about the future.
What do you want kids to know about meditation?
Everyone can meditate. It’s really simple.