Eyewitness: Coping With the Pandemic in Wisconsin

Kennedy loves solving math problems and doing algebra.
As a Kid Reporter, I’ve been trying to keep up with all of the new information about COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus. But it can be overwhelming.
In Wisconsin, the midwestern state where I live, Governor Tony Evers has instituted a “Safer at Home” measure. Schools closed on March 18. No one knows when they will reopen.
My family and I have been adjusting to our new routine, which includes homeschooling. My three younger siblings and I wear “Milwaukee Stay Home” T-shirts to encourage everyone to take social distancing seriously.
“It’'s been extremely difficult adjusting to the homeschool routine while working full-time on the front lines of health care,” says my mother, Sarah Kaul. She cares for patients at a local hospital.
Healthcare workers like my mother, across the country and around the world, are under tremendous stress treating patients with COVID-19. Having children at home rather than in school is causing added pressure for many, especially since it's not easy to run errands or even go outdoors.

Kennedy and her younger siblings have been wearing T-shirts that encourage eveyrone to observe social distancing.
In addition to doing homework, reading, and practicing my violin, I have been drawing, working out, and doing some baking.
My favorite subject is math. I love algebra and solving math problems. But I miss school. Doing everything virtually or on paper is not the same as being in a classroom with a teacher and classmates.
“I feel sad because I really like school, and I miss playing outside at the park,” says my brother Mason, who is eight.
The biggest lesson I've learned during this time is to be grateful for what you have.