Earth Day Event in Texas Educates Young People

Kush at an Earth Day event in Bellaire, Texas, with Paul Green, a division manager in the Houston Mayor’s Office
In recent decades, climate change has emerged as a pressing issue. Generating heat and electricity by burning coal, oil, and other fossil fuels is leading to a gradual rise in global temperatures. Kids worldwide are concerned about the consequences. These include rising sea levels, droughts, and increasingly extreme weather events that cause devastating damage.
Each year, Earth Day is celebrated on April 22. Since 1970, the annual event has honored environmentalists and raised awareness about the need to protect our natural resources. Such resources include the air we breathe and the water we drink. Protecting animals and their habitats, as well as fish, birds, and plants, is also important for our well-being.
In the past week, events have been held around the world to mark Earth Day. One such event took place on April 20. Evelyn’s Park Conservancy in Bellaire, Texas, hosted a “Picnic in the Park.” Bellaire is a city of more than 17,000 people in the Houston metropolitan area.

People of all ages gather for an Earth Day celebration at Evelyn’s Park Conservancy in Bellaire.
Earth Day events have become increasingly popular as more people grow interested in creating eco-friendly change. At the Bellaire event, an estimated 5,000 people gathered to learn about recycling programs, water conservation, and the dangers of burning coal, oil, and other fossil fuels.
I asked Topher McCord, 16, a Houston Mayor’s Youth Council member, about the importance of engaging young people to help the environment.
“The generation in place won’t be around forever,” Topher said. “It’s important to pass the responsibility on. There will be pollution in the future, and it’s our duty to fix that.”
Helping out may not be as complex as it seems. Texas Master Naturalist Joyce Gigout, a member of the Bellaire Environmental Sustainability Board, discussed ways to conserve natural resources.
“Water is one of the most important things we have, and we need to protect it,” Gigout said. “That means turning off the water when brushing your teeth, not letting the water run outside in your yard, and trying to reduce buying bottled water. We need to take care of nature.”

Members of the Houston Mayor’s Youth Council show children how to create planters from recycled plastic water bottles.
Many local children attended the Earth Day event. Paul Green, a division manager in the Houston Mayor’s Office, explained what he hoped they would learn.
“I hope they gain knowledge and recognize what they can do to save the Earth,” Green said. “Everyone can learn small ways to recycle and conserve our planet.”
At Green’s booth, kids learned how to create hanging planters from recycled water bottles. Such projects inspire young people like Topher to be optimistic about the future.
“I’m hoping we can start combating the climate crisis by adding more nature into large cities,” Topher said. “Instead of just talking about it, we need to take action and make things better.”