Boomerang: A Passport to the World

Nolan Pastore with Boomerang champ
Nolan with Boomerang champ

Nolan tries out the sport of boomerang with champion competitor Logan Broadbent.

Did you know that boomerang is a competitive sport? The United States Boomerang Team is currently ranked Number 1 in the world.

Logan Broadbent has been a member of the team for more than half of his life. Now 30 years old, he is individually ranked Number 2 in the world.

I recently met up with Broadbent at Loew Park in Cleveland, Ohio. “It’s hard to imagine my life without boomerangs because they've been my passport to the world for so long,” he said.

Broadbent has had the opportunity to travel to Europe, Asia, North America, and South America for boomerang competitions.



Throwing a boomerang requires strength, speed, and agility. For Broadbent, these skills have allowed him to compete successfully in other sports. He runs marathons and, with his two teammates, is currently ranked Number 1 in the world in obstacle course racing. Broadbent is also a member of the U.S. Triathlon Team. Triathlon competitions consist of swimming, cycling, and long-distance running.

Broadbent’s trick shot boomerang antics were recently featured on the popular YouTube channel Dude Perfect. The viral video has been viewed more than 44 million times. He also competed as the “Boomerang Ninja” on seasons 8, 9, and 10 of NBC’s American Ninja Warrior.


Nolan with Boomerang champ

Broadbent demonstrates his technique with Nolan at Loew Park in Cleveland. 


One thing that sets the sport of boomerang apart is that competitors can make their own equipment. Wood, plastic, nylon, and fiberglass are the most common materials used to construct a boomerang.

“Some of the best boomerangs that I have in my collection were made for me by other competitors, so those are special,” Broadbent said. “It’s always super cool, however, when you make your own great boomerang to use in competition. Not only did you do a fantastic job with the athleticism, but you know the boomerang is something you made yourself.”

When asked what advice he would give to kids, Broadbent said: “Good things come back to you. Do what you love, love what you do, and the world will come back to you, just like a boomerang.”

Photos by Jami Kinton