Donald Trump's “Thank You” Tour
In recent weeks, President-elect Donald Trump has conducted a national “thank you tour” in cities across the United States. Trump is focusing on battleground states like Ohio, Iowa, and Florida—states that helped him win the presidential election on November 8.
Trump spoke in Des Moines, Iowa, on December 8. An estimated 3,000 people attended the rally, including many kids. Before the event got underway, I spoke with Anthony Fugere, 9, from Ames. “It'll be cool to see Trump," Anthony said.
Other young people said that they supported Trump, a successful real-estate entrepreneur, because he comes from a business background and is not a politician. “He’ll follow up on more things he said campaigning than most other presidents [have],” predicted Hunter Hulling, 13, from Des Moines.
At the rally, Trump echoed his campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again,” telling voters about his plans to improve the economy when he becomes president on January 20, 2017. Trump promised “massive tax relief for the American middle class who has been forgotten.” He also said that his administration would lower the corporate tax rate “from 35 percent all the way down to 15 percent.”
That is one of the reasons Garrett King, 12, from Cedar Falls, supports Trump. “I like his tax plan,” Garrett said. “I think it will lead to massive economic growth.”
Rose McGill, an 11-year-old from Ankeny, agreed. “I think that Trump will be a good President,” she said. “He always says that he wants to make America great again.”
A highlight of the evening came when Trump introduced Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, the longest-serving governor in the history of the nation. Trump has chosen Branstad, a Republican, to be the United States Ambassador to China.
Trump said that without a person like Branstad, America’s strained relationship with China would be harmed further. Trump accused China of unfair trade policies and of not doing more to ensure that neighboring North Korea, a dictatorship, does not develop nuclear weapons.
Not everyone who attended the rally did so in support of Trump. Two small groups in the audience started to interrupt Trump’s speech with chants against him. The protests ended when the police quietly escorted the protesters out.
Trump even made a joke about the protesters. “Oh, that’s OK, that’s all right,” he said, smiling. “I think they’re actually on our side. They just don’t know it yet. They will be soon.”