Ted Cruz Campaigns in Wisconsin

Ted Cruz campaigns in Altoona, Wisconsin.
On March 28, Texas Senator Ted Cruz brought his campaign to my home state of Wisconsin. Before the 1 p.m. event at Altoona Family Restaurant, camera crews, newspaper reporters, and hundreds of ordinary citizens crowded onto the lawn.
Cruz is seeking the Republican nomination for President. He currently has a lead in Wisconsin, which will hold primary elections on April 5. In the nationwide delegate count, Cruz trails front-runner Donald Trump, a businessman from New York City. Former Ohio Governor John Kasich is in third place.
Cruz began his speech by saying that he would focus on three big issues as president: creating more jobs, improving national security, and protecting religious freedom. “My Number 1 priority as president will be . . . bringing jobs back to America [and] driving wages back up again,” he said. “We’re gonna see young people coming out of school with four, five job offers.”
Cruz also told adults to “vote 10 times.” How can they do that? First, vote, then get nine other people to vote. He told children to ask 10 people to vote. “It’s like voting 10 times,” he said.