At the Polls in Illinois
Maya with voter Kathy Barwacz
In Hoffman Estates, a suburb of Chicago, Illinois, voters lined up inside Holy Family Catholic Community: Parish and Academy to cast their ballots. The five states holding primary elections on March 15 were crucial to the presidential candidates because a strong showing could prove that they were capable of winning such diverse and populous states as Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina, and Ohio.
The voters I spoke to at Holy Family demonstrated the state's diversity, with their varying ideas on what issues they think the 45th President should address in office. “Health care is on the top for me,” said Anand Rao.
“Social equality and environmental isssues are the two things that matter the most to me,” said Kartik Kansal, a first-time voter.
Many people said that an effective president is someone who listens to everyone’s ideas and represents the country well. “A good leader is someone who is strong,” said Cindy Vick.
Several voters said that they hadn’t made up their minds about who they would vote for until a few days before the primaries. Some, including Linda Foley, had known for a long time. “I decided who I would vote for 16 years ago," Foley said, after voting for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a Democrat. “I have supported her for a long time.”
Foley's friend, who was voting with her, disagreed. “I voted for Bernie Sanders,” he said. "I like his decisiveness, and I like his heart.”
Kathy Barwacz was less enthusiastic about the choices on the ballot. “I'm still not sure,” she said. “I voted for the lesser of all evils, quite honestly.”
Voters at Holy Family on March 15
New York City businessman Donald Trump won the Republican primary in Illinois, emerging with a big lead in the delegate count after taking four of the five states that voted. Former Governor John Kasich won in his home state of Ohio.
On the Democratic side, Clinton received just over half of the votes in Illinois and ended up defeating Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders in all five primaries.