Kasich Meets New Hampshire Voters

Ohio Governor John Kasich with Maxwell Surprenant at a “town hall” event in Goffstown, New Hampshire.
Ohio Governor John Kasich with Maxwell Surprenant at a “town hall” event in Goffstown, New Hampshire.

Ohio Governor John Kasich with Max in Goffstown, New Hampshire

On January 24, Ohio Governor John Kasich, a Republican candidate for president, held a  “town hall” meeting in Goffstown, New Hampshire. He answered questions about a range of issues, including income inequality and education.

Kasich said that he does not agree with Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders, who favors raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans. “My father, who was a mailman, said, ‘Johnny, we don’t hate the rich. We want to be the rich,'" Kasich told a voter.

Kasich also addressed concerns about the rising cost of college and the struggle that many graduates have paying back student loans. Kasich said that young people could help keep costs down by taking courses online and at community colleges before attending a four-year college.

“Maybe we need to come up with a community service program where you can work off some of that debt,” Kasich added.



Before the event, I spoke with Russell Blair, an online producer for the Hartford Courant in Connecticut. Like me, this was his first time covering a presidential candidate.

“I like these small events in small towns,” Blair said. “It’s like the older days of politics, when the candidates met every person face-to-face and tried to get their vote.”

When asked why she supports Kasich, Ellen Mohnkern from Bedford, New Hampshire, said, “He’s a problem solver. I also like that Kasich has a military background. He’s a slow and steady candidate, and I think he can win.”

Eleven-year-old Bobby Schaefer from Goffstown was there to conduct research for a school project. All of the kids in his class were assigned a presidential candidate, and he got Kasich. Bobby wanted to find out where the candidate stood on education, welfare, the economy, and other issues. “I think it’s important to learn about the process before we get to vote,” Bobby said. His mother added, “He is concerned about the future.”

When Kasich finished answering questions, he invited everyone to stay for cake and more conversation. I asked the Governor if he had a message for kids. “Live your dream,” he said. “Work hard.”

Will Kasich win in New Hampshire? We'll find out on February 9, when the state holds its primary election.

Photo courtesy of the author