Benjamin Schiller

Benjamin Schiller's picture

Benjamin Schiller is from Florida and was born in 2002.

  • Benjamin is interested in broadcasting as a possible career and is the daily news anchor for his school's morning announcements.
  • His favorite book is Rivals by Tim Green.
  • Benjamin likes to play baseball and basketball in his spare time.

“I want to develop my skills as a journalist and a writer.”

Benjamin Schiller

Benjamin Schiller's picture
First name: 
Benjamin in the press room at the Republican debate in Miami

An Evening With the Republican Candidates

Benjamin Schiller

March 13th, 2016

Republican presidential hopefuls debate the issues in Coral Gables, Florida.
Ben outside Ice Palace Film Studios in Miami

Hillary Clinton Greets Supporters

Benjamin Schiller

March 2nd, 2016

On Super Tuesday, the Democratic candidate celebrated with supporters in Miami, Florida.
