Tom Coburn: Citizen Legislator
Preston with former Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn
Almost everyone has an opinion about how our government is run. Many people express their ideas through voting. But some, like former Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, take things a step further.
As a young man, Coburn ran a successful optics company. He later went to medical school and became a doctor. In 1994, Coburn decided to run for the United States House of Representatives. He won his race and represented the state of Oklahoma in the House for six years.
Coburn, who is a Republican, did not seek re-election in 2000 due to self-imposed term limits promised to the people of Oklahoma. He served in the U.S. Senate from 2005 until 2015.
Why did Coburn leave the field of medicine years ago to become a politician? He was tired of waiting for changes that he wanted to see in government, he said. “I decided that somebody needed to do something different,” Coburn told me in an exclusive interview.
Coburn also discussed the various ways that people can bring about positive change in the country. “One is to be a good citizen and know what’s going on,” he said. “That’s called ‘civic responsibility.’ And then vote.”
For those who want to get involved in politics, Coburn suggests learning about life outside of government. “My recommendation is to get a lot of experience in life before you run for political office,” he said.
Even though Coburn has retired from the Senate, he is now working on something called a “Convention of States.” Typically, only Congress can add laws to the Constitution. However, according to Article V of the U.S. Constitution, if 34 states agree to a single cause, they can hold a Convention of States. The convention can effectively create laws outside of Congress.
The U.S. government currently has more than $19 trillion in debt. Coburn is working to create an amendment that would limit how much money the government can spend. “We shouldn't be spending money that [kids today] will have to pay [back],” he said.
Why is Coburn still so passionate about government at the age of 68? “I’m trying to change things I see that aren’t right,” he said.
Coburn has been in the news lately for another reason. Republican officials who do not want to see New York City businessman Donald Trump win their party’s presidential nomination have suggested the former Oklahoma Senator as a possible third party candidate. But Coburn told me that he does “not have plans to run for any other office.”