Hillary Clinton Greets Supporters

Ben outside Ice Palace Film Studios in Miami
On March 1, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton celebrated her "Super Tuesday" victories at Ice Palace Film Studios in Miami, Florida. Of the 11 states that held Democratic primaries or caucuses on March 1, Clinton won seven. Her competitor, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, only won four.
When I arrived at the Clinton event shortly after 5 p.m., hundreds of supporters were already lined up, waiting to enter the building at 6:30. The line kept growing. By the time I entered the building, the line was as long as three blocks.
Throughout the evening, I talked with Clinton supporters, including David from Coral Gables, Florida. “I’m supporting Hillary because she is experienced, supports gay rights, and is more practical than [Vermont Senator] Bernie Sanders,” he said. Clinton is vying with Sanders for the Democratic nomination. Another supporter named Mary said that she likes Clinton’s stance on women’s rights.
When the doors opened, attendees had to go through intense security measures. Secret Service agents checked every bag, and everyone went through a metal detector for precautionary reasons. After I passed through security, I rushed in to get as close as possible to the stage. However, it was standing room only.

A crowd waits to see Hillary Clinton in Miami, Florida, on Super Tuesday.
Once the crowd settled in, the monitors behind the stage were turned on. At 7 p.m., the polls in Georgia, Virginia and Vermont closed. When CNN announced that Clinton had won Virginia and Georgia, the crowd went wild.
The arena grew even louder when it was announced that Clinton had also won in Alabama, Arkansas, and Massachusetts. On the Republican side, businessman Donald Trump won seven states, more than any of his competitors.
Every once in a while, there were chants of “USA! USA!” and “Madam President.” When Clinton came on stage, she told the crowd, “We’ve got work to do.” Then she added, “Instead of building walls, we’re going to break down barriers.”